Lecture 36 - Dec 5, 2023

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Hash tables.


Hashing with chaining and linear probing.


Hashing with chaining

class Node {
  // for simplicity, all data members are public
    int key;
    Node* next;
    ~Node() { delete next; }

class List {
    Node* head;

    List(); // sets head to NULL
    void insert(int v); // inserts at head
    ListNode* remove (int k); // remove node with key = k
    bool isFound(int k); // returns true if node with key = k is found
    ~List(); // deletes head

#define SIZE 7

class HashTable {
    List** table;
    HashTable() {
      table = new List*[SIZE];
      for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        table[i] = NULL;

    bool search(int v) {
      int idx = v % SIZE;
      if (table[idx] != NULL) {
        // table[idx] is of class List*
        return table[idx]->isFound(v);
      } else {
        return false; // the list where v should be is not there

    void insert(int v) {
      if (search(v)) { // value already there
      } else {
        int idx = v % SIZE;
        if (table[idx] == NULL) {
          table[idx] = new List();
        // table[idx] is of class List*

    ~HashTable() {
      for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        delete table[i];
      delete[] table;

    void remove(int v);

Hashing with linear probing:

If hash function lead to collision, insert value at the next available space in the table.

  1. If it collides at \(h(k)\) then try \([h(k) + 1] \% SIZE\)
  2. If it collides at \(h(k)\) then try \([h(k) + 2] \% SIZE\)
  3. If it collides at \(h(k)\) then try \([h(k) + 3] \% SIZE\)

Linear probing is used tp find the next available space in the table.

Solution 2: Hashing with linear probing

class Element {
    int key; // may want to store more data

int hash(int k); // hash function

#define SIZE 7

class HashTable {
    Element** table;
    int size;

    HashTable() {
      table = new Element*[SIZE];
      for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        table[i] = NULL;
      size = 0;

  // we return false if table is full
  // return true if we inserted or the node was there
  bool insert(int v) {
    int idx = hash(v);
    if (size == SIZE) { return false; }
    for (int i=0; table[idx] != NULL; i++) {
      // duplicate found
      // table[idx] is of class Element*
      if (table[idx]->key == v) { return true; }
      idx = (hash(v) + i) % SIZE;
    // exit loop when table[idx] == NULL
    Element* temp = new Element;
    temp->key = v;
    table[idx] = temp;
    return true;

Using (hash(v) + i) % SIZE has a disadvantage: It would cause clustering of nodes in one area in the hashtable

Solution: try uniformly distribution nodes by probing elsewhere.

Solution 3: Quadratic probing

(hash(v) + i*i) % SIZE

Solution 4: Double probing

(hash1(v) + i * hash2(v)) % SIZE

Exam question

Change Int class in such a way that there are no memory leaks, and output is 4 4 (not 4 3).

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Int {
    int* p;
    Int(int i) {
      p = new int;
      *p = i;
    void set_val(int i) { *p = i; }
    int get_val() { return *p; }
    virtual void print() = 0;

class SuperInt : public Int {
    int* q;
    SuperInt(int i) : Int(i) {
      q = new int;
      *q = i;
    ~SuperInt() {
      delete q;

    void set_val() {
      *q = i;

    void print() {
      cout << Int::get_val() << " " << q* << endl;

// do not change main
int main() {
  Int* s = new SuperInt(3);
  delete s;
  return 0;

In the class definition:

  1. Int is an abstract class
  2. virtual void print() = 0; is a pure virtual function
  3. We need to add virtual ~Int() { delete p; } to avoid memory leaks
  4. Also prepend virtual to void set_val(int i) { *p = i; }

In main:

  1. If set_val is virtual, it calls set_val depending on object type (not s type)
  2. If the destructor is virtual, it calls the destructor of SuperInt as s points to SuperInt