Lecture 9 - Sept 26, 2023


In this lecture, we introduce classes, access controls: private and public, and initializing data members problem.

Last lecture

Using .fail() and .eof() flags.


Introduction to classes.

Demo of stringstreams

Avoid using stream for reading and writing interchangeably. You can write and then read, but it gets confusing when you write again.

Pacha’s note

I added include<iostream> to make cin work. I also changed cout << ss str(); from the notes to cout << ss.str();, or it will not compile.

I also added endl after cout for the same reason as in lecture 8.

#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int ID;
    string name, inputLine;
    getline (cin, inputLine);

    stringstream ss;
    // write into ss
    ss << inputLine;

    // or stringstream ss(inputLine);

    // read from ss
    ss >> ID; // ID reads 1001
    ss >> name; // name reads Joe

    cout << ss.str() << endl; // ss still has content written to it "1001 Joe"

    return 0;

When the user enters “1001 Joe”, what is in ss remains there. Only the reading cursor moves.

Introduction to clases

Recall structs in C


Recall structs in C.

This is a data structure that stores data of different types using one variable name.

struct Student {
    string name;
    int ID;

struct Student x;

// access name of x using . operator
x.name = "Cindy";

A class is an expansion to structs by bringing together data and functions/operations.

Consider that:

  • Data is similar to structs.
  • Functions/operations are different from structs.

A class is a user-defined data type. A variable of that user-defined data type is called an object.

Declaring an object is called creating an instance or instantiation.

Remember the diagram from lecture 8.


The definition of a class goes to a header file (e.g. Student.h).


class Student {
        int ID;
        string name;

        void setName(string name);
        void getName();
        void print();

Remember the diagram from lecture 8.


private members can only be accessed within the class.

public members can be accessed outside the class.

Why? This is called encapsulation

  • Hide information related to the class (e.g., student ID).
  • It is not available outside the class.
  • It brings related data and functions together.
  • It organizes the code.

Class implementation

The class implementation goes in a source file and it has function definitions.

Pacha’s note

I added endl after the cout statements for the same reason as above.


#include "Student.h"
#include <iostream>

// Setter or mutator function

// class name: Student
// scope operator: ::
// function name: setName
void Student::setName(string n) {
    // private member of Student class can be accessed
    // inside the class implementation
    name = n;

// Getter or accessor function

string Student::getName() {
    return name;

void Student::print() {
    cout << "Student name: " << name << endl;
    cout << "Student ID: " << ID << endl;


Instatiating and using objects here.

#include "Student.h"

int main() {
    // declare 2 objects and allocate memory for them
    Student x,y;


    // x.ID = 2730; gives an error because we cannot access a private member

    // y.name = "Salma" same error

    y.print(); // wait! what is the value of ID in Student y?

    return 0;

In the line that reads Student x,y, ID in x and y are not initialized.

The solution is to define a constructor.


class Student {
        int ID;
        string name;
        Student(); // constructor
        void setName(string name);