Lecture 11 - Sept 29, 2023


In this lecture, we discuss pointers and introduce if we have a dynamically allocated memory in an object, how do we free it when an object goes out of scope.

Last lecture



Destructors, pointers and objects with pointers.


Memory is divided into cells. Each cell can store a byte of data (8 bits) and has an address.

A program’s memory space.


A pointer is a variable that stores and address to a byte.

Memory on stack gets freed when a function returns. All local variables in a function dissappear when the function returns or when they go out of scope.

But memory allocated on the heap dynamically has to be explicitly freed. It does not get freed when a variable goes outo f scope. It creates a memory leak if we do not free it.

int x;
int *p;
x = 7;
p = NULL;
p = &x // address of x

cout << *p;; // print 7

// dereference p / value at address in p
cout << p; // prints 0x124

*p = 5; // change the value of x to 5

p = new int; // change address stored in p to a newely allocated memory space

*p = 3; // change value at address 0x560


// before exiting our program, we need to return dynamically allocated memory
// to the operating system

delete p; // p now has address of expired data

p = nullptr; // good practice


Recall that in C, for every malloc there has to be a free. In C++, we have new add and delete.



// return address of an int variable created at run-time
int* pNum = new int;

// de-allocate memory at pNum
delete pNum;


int* arr = new int[10];
delete[] arr;

With a class

class Student {
    int *grades; string name;

Student::Student() {
    grades = nullptr;

Student::Student(int numLabs) {
    grades = new int[numLabs];

int main() {
    // dynamically allocates 3 integers
    Student x(3);
    return 0;

    // we did not deallocate them
    // this will create a memory leak!


The solution is to define destructors.

class Student {
        int *grades; string name;
        // the destructor must be public
        ~Student(); // no return, like constructors
                    // no parameters


Student::~Student() {
    if (grades != nullptr) {
        delete[] grades;

The default destructor exists by default, and is called when the object goes out of scope.

If you dynamically allocate memory in your class, you will need a destructor to free up this memory space.


int main() {
    Student x(3); // dynamically allocates 3 integers

    return 0; // destructor of x will be called if grades is !nullptr
              // we will free dynamically allocated space 

Exercise on double pointers

Double pointers (i.e., pointers to pointers) are variables that store an address too. That address is an address of a pointer.

Pacha’s note

I added the header and put the original example inside main() with an added return 0; at the end, otherwise it would not compile.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  int** p2p;
  int *p, *q;

  p = new int;
  *p = 5;

  p2p = &p;
  q = *p2p;  // *(&p) = p

  *q = 8;  // the new int

  cout << **&p2p;  // **(&p) = *p = the new int, prints 8

  return 0;
