Lecture 14 - Oct 6, 2023


In this lecture, we continue on our discussion of dynamic memory allocation of arrays of objects. We also introduce the concept of operator overloading.

Last lecture

Dynamic memory allocation of arrays.


Continue dynamic memory allocation of objects and operator overloading.

Dynamic allocation

Can we dynamically allocate an array of objects? Yes

class Student {
        string name;
        int ID;
        Student() { ID = 0; name = ""; }
        ~Student() { cout << "Destructor" << endl; }

int main() {
    Student *arr = new Student[3]; // default constructor called 3 times
    delete [] arr; // destructor called 3 times
    return 0; // no destructor will be called without delete

Can I have an array of pointers to objects? Yes


int main() {
    // no constructors called
    Student** arr2p = new Student* [3];




for (int i = 0, i < 3; i++) {
    arr2p[i] = new Student;




for (int i = 0, i < 3; i++) {
    arr2p[i]->ID = i + 1;




for (int i = 0, i < 3; i++) {
    delete arr2p[i];




delete [] arr2p;
arr2p = NULL;

Overloading operators (+, -, *, /)

Consider this class

class Complex {
        double real;
        double img;
        Complex() { real = 0.0; img = 0.0; }
        Complex(double r, double i) { real = r; img = i; }

int main() {
    Complex x(3,4);
    Complex y(5,6);
    Complex z;
    z = x + y; // I can't do this now
    return 0;

Operator overloading allows for z = x + y.

There are two operators: = and +.

Let’s implement a function that does an addition.

x + y is also equivalent to x.operator+(y).

// return type: Complex
// function name: operator+
Complex Complex::operator+(Complex &rhs) {
    return Complex(real + rhs.real, img + rhs.img);

class Complex P{
        double real;
        double img;
        Complex() { real = 0.0; img = 0.0; }
        Complex(double r, double i) { real = r; img = i; }
        // pass by reference: Complex&
        Complex operator+(Complex& rhs);

Passing by value will create a copy of the rhs.

This is memory inefficient if the object has many data members.

Pass by value will not create a copy, so it is memory efficient.

Good practices for safety

Pass the object as a constant object

Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& rhs) {
    rhs.real = 0; // compile-time error!
    return Complex(real + rhs.real, img + rhs.img);
Pacha’s note

Inside the function, the line rhs.real = 0; attempts to modify the real member of rhs. Because rhs is a constant reference, it cannot be modified. This is why the comment indicates a compile-time error. The compiler will not allow this code to compile because it violates the const-correctness rule.

Operator+ does not change members of the object

Use const modifier to prevent changes to members of the object.

Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& rhs) const {
    real = 0; // compile-time error!
    return Complex(real + rhs.real, img + rhs.img);

Ungraded homework

Solve the exercises of Chapter 4: Pointers and Chapter 5: Dynamic Memory Allocation.

Chapter 4

Exercise 1

Question 9 in Fall 2022 Midterm Exam [Intermediate]

Write down the standard output of the following program. Remember to write two “Check Point”, since partial marks are given based on these “stop points”. You might find it helpful to write down the memory layout.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int i[5] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
int* p;

void foo() {
  cout << *p << endl;

void bar() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

int main() {
  p = i;
  cout << "Check Point 1" << endl;
  p = i;
  cout << "Check Point 2" << endl;
  return 0;

In main(), bar() calls foo().

In foo():

  • cout << *p << endl is used to output the value pointed to by p. The * operator is used to dereference the pointer, i.e., to get the value that p is pointing to.
  • Next, ++(*p) is executed. This line increments the value pointed to by p. The parentheses are necessary because the ++ operator has a higher priority than the * operator. Without the parentheses, p would be incremented before its value is retrieved.
  • Finally, ++p increments the pointer p itself, not the value it points to, and p now points to the next memory location.
  • This will print 0 2 4 before the first checkpoint.

In main(), foo() will print i[0], which was incremented to 1, before the second checkpoint.

The output is:

Check Point 1
Check Point 2
Exercise 2

Question 3 in Fall 2021 Final Exam [Intermediate]

Consider the following code snippet that manipulates pointers in a main function of a C++ program.

int* p = nullptr;
int* q = nullptr;
int* r = nullptr;
int** t = &p;
int** s = &q;
r = p;
p = new int;
q = new int;
*p = 5;
*q = 2;
**s = *p + **t;

Which of the following statements (that come after the above snippets executes) prints 5 to the standard output? You may assume iostream is included and the std namespace is used. Choose all correct answers.

cout << r;
cout << *t;
cout << *q;
cout << *p;
cout << **t;
cout << *r;
cout << *s;
cout << (**s) / 2;

t and s are pointers to pointers.

r is a nullptr.

p and q point to memory for integers on the heap, these values are set to 5 and 2.

**s is equal to 10, it adds the values pointed by p and t (t is equal to p).

**s points to the memory location pointed by q.

We can pass the snippet to a function:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int* p = nullptr;
  int* q = nullptr;
  int* r = nullptr;
  int** t = &p;
  int** s = &q;
  r = p;
  p = new int;
  q = new int;
  *p = 5;
  *q = 2;
  **s = *p + **t;

  cout << "r " << r << endl;
  cout << "*t " << *t << endl;
  cout << "*q " << *q << endl;
  cout << "*p " << *p << endl;
  cout << "**t " << **t << endl;
  // cout << "*r " << *r << endl; // segmentation fault
  cout << "*s " << *s << endl;
  cout << "(**s) / 2 " << (**s) / 2 << endl;

  return 0;

The output is:

r 0
*t 0x55e631f6ceb0
*q 10
*p 5
**t 5
*s 0x55e631f6ced0

The statements that print 5 are:

cout << *p;
cout << **t;
cout << (**s) / 2;
Exercise 3

Question 4 in Fall 2018 Midterm Exam [Intermediate]

Consider the following main function. The line numbers to the left are for reference and are not part of the code.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int* first_ptr;
  int* second_ptr;
  int** p_ptr;
  first_ptr = new int;
  second_ptr = new int;
  p_ptr = &first_ptr;
  *first_ptr = 4;
  *second_ptr = 8;
  second_ptr = *p_ptr;
  cout << *first_ptr << " " << *second_ptr << endl;
  delete first_ptr;
  delete second_ptr;
  delete *p_ptr;
  return (0);
  1. What is the output produced by cout on line 14 of the code.
  2. The program may have a problem with it. What is the problem, if any? Circle only one answer.
  3. The program has no problem with it. 2. The program has a memory leak. 3. The delete on line 17 should not dereference p_ptr, but use it directly. 4. The program deletes the same region of memory more than once. 5. 2 and 3. 6. 2 and 4. 7. 2, 3 and 4.
  1. The output is 4 4.
  2. There is a memory leak, second_ptr = *p_ptr was called without freeing the memory it was pointing to. first_ptr and second_ptr point to the same memory location, so delete first_ptr and delete second_ptr are equivalent. delete *p_ptr is equivalent to delete first_ptr and delete second_ptr. Therefore, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

The correct code would be:

int main() {
  delete first_ptr;
  first_ptr = nullptr;
    second_ptr = nullptr;
  return 0;
Exercise 4

Question 2 in Fall 2017 Midterm Exam [Intermediate]

Consider the following program.

class Point {
  int x;
  int y;

  Point(int i, int j);
  Point increment_x();
  Point increment_y();
  void print() const;

Point::Point(int i, int j) {
  x = i;
  y = j;

Point Point::increment_x() {
  return *this;

Point Point::increment_y() {
  return *this;

void Point::print() const {
  cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;

int main() {
  Point a(2, 3);
  // Evaluation is done left to right
  return 0;

Assuming the C++ compiler does not optimize away copying of objects. Write the output produced by the program.

this is a pointer to the object itself.

increment_x() would increase the value of x by 1 and return a copy of the original object.

increment_y() would increase the value of y by 1 on the copy of the object returned by increment_x().

a.increment_x().increment_y().print() returns (3, 4) and only the change to x was permanent.

a.print() returns (3, 3).

Chapter 5

Exercise 1

Question 3 in Fall 2022 Midterm Exam [Easy]

Consider the following C++ function:

void AvadaKedavra(int n) {
  int size = n + 1;
  int* q = NULL;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    q = new int[size];

If somewhere in your main function you call AvadaKedavra(1). Based on the memory layout discussed during the lecture, answer this question: from the time this function starts to execute to the time right before it returns, how many bytes are newly allocated on the stack and the heap, respectively?

You may assume:

  1. All variables are put in the main memory.
  2. An int takes 4 bytes.
  3. We have a 32-bit machine.

Stack 4 bytes for n, 4 bytes for size, 4 bytes for q, 4 bytes for i. Total: 16 bytes.

Heap 4 bytes for each q, 3 times, and each q consists in 2 integers. Total: 24 bytes.

Exercise 2

Question 9 in Fall 2021 Midterm Exam [Intermediate]

Consider the code shown below. You can assume it compiles with no errors and runs.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int a = 0;
int* b = &a;
int** c = &b;

int* foo(int** d) {
  b = *d;
  int* e = new int;
  *e = 10;
  return e;

int main() {
  int* g = nullptr;
  int* f = new int;
  *f = 5;

  // Point 1

  g = foo(&f);

  // Point 2

  return 0;

In the table below, give the values of the variables indicated in the table columns when program execution reaches each of the two points, Point 1 and Point 2. If a value cannot be obtained due to dereferencing a nullptr pointer, write nullptr (but assume the program does not stop).

|         | a | *b | **c | *g | *f |
| Point 1 |   |    |     |    |    |
| Point 2 |   |    |     |    |    |

::: {.callout-note icon=false collapse="true"}
## Solution

|         | a | *b | **c | *g      | *f |
| Point 1 | 1 | 1  | 1   | nullptr | 5  |
| Point 2 | 2 | 6  | 6   | 11      | 6  |

::: {.callout-note icon=false}
## Exercise 3

Question 10 in Fall 2022 Midterm Exam [Challenging]

A Vtuber is an online entertainer who posts videos on Vtube. A Vtuber will have
followers on Vtube. As a programmer from Vtube, you are asked to implement a
class for Vtuber. The class definition and description are described below.

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Follower {
  string name;
  int age;

  Follower(const string& _name, int _age) {
    name = name_;
    age = age_;
  string get_name() const { return name; }
  int get_age() const { return age; }

class Vtuber {
  // Vtuber Name
  string name;
  // Follower array with a variable size, each element should be a dynamically
  // allocated object of class Follower.
  Follower** followers;
  // The size of follower array.
  int follower_max;
  // Number of followers
  int follower_num;

  Vtuber(const string& _name);
  void insert_follower(const string& follower_name, int follower_age);
  void remove_follower(const string& follower_name);

Specifically, Vtuber’s followers member variable is an array of pointers, each pointer pointing to a Follower object. The following graph illustrates it.


Part 1

Implement the constructor for Vtuber. Vtuber name should be initialized by _name, and follower_max should be initialized to 2. In addition, you should allocate an array called followers using new, with an initial size of 2 (the value of follower_max). Every element in this array should be a pointer to an object of class Follower and initialize all these pointers to NULL.

Part 2

Every Vtuber in Vtube can get new followers or lose their current followers. This is implemented by two methods: insert_follower and remove_follower. Now you are asked to implement these two methods:

  1. For remove_follower, a follower name is given. If there is any follower in the array matching the name, you should remove it and free its memory using delete. You can assume the follower names are all unique.
  2. For remove_follower, a follower name is given. If there is any follower in the array matching the name, you should remove it and free its memory using delete. You can assume the follower names are all unique.

Part 3

Implement the destructor for the Vtuber class. You should free all the dynamically allocated objects using delete. Remember to be consistent with your previous implementation, as the entire program should not trigger any segmentation fault.

Part 1

Vtuber::Vtuber (const string& _name) {
  name = _name;
  follower_max = 2;
  followers = new Follower* [follower_max];
  for (int i = 0; i < follower_max; ++i) {
    followers[i] = NULL;

Part 2

void Vtuber::insert_follower(const string& follower_name,
int follower_age) {
  for (int i = 0; i < follower_max; ++i) {
    if (followers[i] == NULL) {
      followers[i] = new Follower(follower_name, follower_age);
  Follower** new_followers = new Follower* [follower_max * 2];
  for (int i = 0; i < follower_max; ++i) {
    new_followers[i] = followers[i];
    new_followers[i + follower_max] = NULL;
  new_followers[follower_max] = new Follower(follower_name, follower_age);
  delete [] followers;
  followers = new_followers;
  follower_max *= 2;
void Vtuber::remove_follower(const string& follower_name) {
 for (int i = 0; i < follower_max; ++i) {
   if (followers[i] == NULL) {
   if (followers[i]->get_name() == follower_name) {
     delete followers[i];
     followers[i] = NULL;

Part 3

Vtuber::~Vtuber() {
  for (int i = 0; i < follower_max; ++i) {
    if (followers[i] != NULL) {
      delete followers[i];
      followers[i] = nullptr;
  delete [] followers;
  followers = nullptr;