Lecture 7 - Sept 22, 2023


In this lecture, we discuss detecting and handling errors in the input from a file or user.

Last lecture

File I/O.


Handling I/O errors.

Handling I/O errors

  • Input stream if stored in a buffer.
  • This buffer is only available when \n is entered.
  • cin ignores/skips delimiters or whitespaces.
  • Delimiters are , \t, \n.

Remember the diagram from lecture 6.


Reading happens until a delimiter is seen or when something wrong happens! :::



  • cin will read 13 into x, but it will not read as it is not part of an integer.
  • cin will look for an int for y, but will find .
  • cin will fail silently , y is unaffected, and the buffer is unaffected.
  • A fail flag is raised, and all other cin in the program will fail.

What should you do?

  1. Check if the fail flag is raised.
  2. If yes, handle the error.
// file input

#include <fstream>

int main() {
    inputFile("myFile.txt"); // error 1
    int a,b;
    inputFile >> a >> b; // error 2 and 3
    return 0;
// standard input

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int a;
    cin >> a; // error 2 and 3
    return 0;

What can go wrong?

Error 1. The file to be opened for input does not exist.

Error 2. The variable cannot be read.

Error 3. Reached the end of a file.


Detecting a failure

// after ifstream inputFile("myFile.txt"); ...

if (inputFile.fail()) {
    cerr << "Cannot open file" << endl;
    return 1;

What is cerr? It is an output stream like cout. It is unbuffered unlike cout. This means that the output appears immediately on the console/terminal.

Why return 1? Any non-zero number signals an error.

What to do when a failure with input occurs?

cin.clear() will clear the failure condition so cin.fail() and cin.eof() are back to false.

cin.ignore(int n, char ch) will discard n characters or up to character ch, whichever comes first.


For the following input, I want to ignore numbers before the space and read only the name.

1010 Asmita
cin.ignore(1000, ' ');
cin >> name;

Write a program that reads a number from the user. It is not a number, prompt the user again.

Pacha’s note

I added #include <iostream> and using namespace std here to make the code compile.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int num = 0;
    cout << "Enter a number:" << endl;
    cin >> num;

    // if cin.fail() is true,
    // cin.ignore() will fail too
    while(cin.fail()) {
        // do not swtich the order
        // we must clear first
        cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
        cout << "Try again!" << endl;
        cin >> num;

    cout << "The number entered is " << num;
    return 0;

Write a program that reads numbers from a file and prints their sum. If it reads a non-integer number, ignore it. Numbers are written on separate lines.

Pacha’s note

I added #include <iostream>, #include <fstream> and using namespace std here to make the code compile.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    ifstream inputFile("myFile.txt");

    int num = 0, sum = 0;

    while(!inFile.eof()) {
        inFile >> num;
        if (inFile.fail()) {
            inFile.ignore(1000, '\n');
        } else {
            sum += num;

    cout << "Reached end of file" << endl;
    cout << "The sum is " << sum << endl;
    return 0;