Lecture 35 - Dec 1, 2023

Last lecture

Delete a node in BST.


Hash tables

Data structures and run time of operations

       | Unsorted List | Sorted List | BST      |
Insert | O(1)          | O(n)        | O(log n) |
Search | O(n)          | O(log n)    | O(log n) |

Hash tables

Hash tables provides average performance on search/insert/deletion.

  1. Very large array
  2. Each key maps to a unique index
  3. Hash function \(h(k)\) maps key to array index

Example: \(h(k) = k \% (m + 1)\)

Use cases:

  1. Databases
  2. Caching

In both cases quick data retrieval is critical.

Example: \(h(key) = k \% 7\)

insert(16): h(16) = 2
insert(25): h(25) = 4
insert(77): h(77) = 0
insert(7): h(7) = 2
0 | 77
1 |
2 | 16
3 |
4 | 25
5 |
6 |


Collision happens when two keys map to the same index.

Solution 1: Hashing with chaining

Each hash table entry contrains a pointer to a linked list of keys that map to the same entry.

But we may have collisions always and one array entry has a linked list of all keys. This leads to an \(O(n)\) search.

Usually, good hash functions can reduce the number of collisions. Ideally, we want the length of each linked list to be one maximum.

Usually, good hash function involve multiplying key with large prime number (e.g., \(h(k) = 3k \% m\), where \(m\) is the size of the array)

0 | 77 -> 7
2 | 16
4 | 25
class Node {
  // for simplicity, all data members are public
    int key;
    Node *next;
    ~Node() { delete next; }

class List {
    List(); // sets head to NULL
    bool isEmpty(); // returns true if head is NULL
    void insert(int v); // inserts at head
    ListNode* remove(int k); // removes first node with key = k
    bool isFound(int k); // returns true if key k is found

#define SIZE 7

class HashTable {
    List** table;
    HashTable() {
      table = new List*[SIZE];
      for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        table[i] = NULL;

    bool search(int v) {
      int idx = v % SIZE;
      if (table[idx] != NULL) {
        // table[idx] is of class List*
        return table[idx]->isFound(v);
      } else {
        return false; // the list where v should be is not there

    void insert(int v) {
      if (search(v)) { // value already there
      } else {
        int idx = v % SIZE;
        if (table[idx] == NULL) {
          table[idx] = new List();
        // table[idx] is of class List*

    ~HashTable() {
      for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        delete table[i];
      delete[] table;

    void remove(int v);


Homework: Implement remove for HashTable.

Pacha’s note

Here is the implementation

ListNode* List::remove(int k) {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    return NULL;

  Node *current = head;
  Node *previous = NULL;

  while (current != NULL && current->key != k) {
    previous = current;
    current = current->next;

  if (current == NULL) {
    return NULL; // key not found in the list

  if (previous == NULL) {
    // The node to be removed is the head
    head = current->next;
  } else {
    // The node to be removed is not the head
    previous->next = current->next;

  current->next = NULL; // Prevent recursive deletion of the entire list
  return current; // Return the removed node

Solution 2: Closed hashing with linear probing

If hash function lead to collision, insert value at the next available space in the table.

  1. If it collides at \(h(k)\) then try \([h(k) + 1] \% SIZE\)
  2. If it collides at \(h(k)\) then try \([h(k) + 2] \% SIZE\)
  3. If it collides at \(h(k)\) then try \([h(k) + 3] \% SIZE\)

Linear probing is used tp find the next available space in the table.

Additional code from the class


#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Node {
  int key;
  Node* next;
  ~Node(){delete next;}

class List {
  Node* head;

  List(){head = NULL;}

  bool isFound(int k) {
    Node* p = head;
    while (p != NULL) {
      // cout << "p->name is " << p->name << " and name is " << name << endl;
      if (p->key == k) {
        return true;
      p = p->next;
    return false;
  Node* remove(int v) {
    Node* p = head;
    Node* prev = NULL;
    while (p != NULL) {
      if (p->key == v) {
        if (prev != NULL) {
          prev->next = p->next;
          p->next = NULL;
        } else {
          head = p->next;
          p->next = NULL;
        return p;
      prev = p;
      p = p->next;
    return NULL;
  void insert(int v) {
    Node* node = new Node;
    node->key = v;
    node->next = NULL;
    node->next = head;
    head = node;
  void print(){
    Node* current = head;
    while(current != NULL){
        cout << current->key << " ";
        current = current->next;
    cout << endl;
  ~List() { delete head; }



#ifndef HASH_H_
#define HASH_H_
#define SIZE 7
#include "List.h"

class HashTable {
  List** table;

  HashTable() {
    table = new List*[SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
      table[i] = NULL;
  bool search(int v) {
    int idx = v % SIZE;
    if (table[idx] != NULL) {
      return table[idx]->isFound(v);
    } else {
      return false;
  void insert(int v) {
    if (search(v)) {
    } else {
      int idx = v % SIZE;
      if (table[idx] == NULL) {
        table[idx] = new List;
  void display() {
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
      if (table[i] != NULL) {
  void remove(int v) {
    if (!search(v)) {
    } else {
      int idx = v % SIZE;
      if (table[idx] == NULL) {
      } else {
        delete table[idx]->remove(v);
  ~HashTable() {
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
      delete table[i];
    delete[] table;



#include <iostream>
#include "HashTable.h"
using namespace std;

int main(){
    HashTable H;
    return 0;