Lecture 33 - Nov 28, 2023

Last lecture

Introduction to trees, binary trees and binary search trees.



Recursive print and insert operations in binary search trees.

Recursive print and insert in BST

   /   \
  4     10
 / \      \
1   6      12
class BSTNode {
    int value;
    BSTNode *left, *right;
    BSTNode(int v) {
      value v;
      left = right = NULL;
    ~BSTNode() {
      delete left;
      delete right;
    int getValue() {
      return value;
    BSTNode *getLeft() {
      return left;
    BSTNode *getRight() {
      return right;
    void setLeft(BSTNode *l) {
      left = l;
    void setRight(BSTNode *r) {
      right = r;

class BSTree {
    BSTNode* root;

    bool searchNode(int v, BSTNode* n) {
      if (n == NULL) {
        return false;
      } else if (n->getValue() == v) {
        return true;
      } else if (n->getValue() > v) {
        return searchNode(v, n->getLeft());
      } else {
        return searchNode(v, n->getRight());

    void insertHelper(int v, BSTNode* n);
    void printInOrderHelper(BSTNode* n);

    BSTree() {
      root = NULL;
    ~BSTree() {
      delete root;
    BSTNode* getRoot() {
      return root;
    bool search(int v) {
      return searchNode(v, root);
    void insert(int v);
    void printInOrder();

void BSTree::insertHelper(int v, BSTNode* n) {
  if (n->getValue() == v) {
    return; // no two nodes have the same value
  } else if (v < n->getValue()) {
    if (n->getLeft() == NULL) {
      n->setLeft(new BSTNode(v)); // insert to the left of a leaf node
    } else {
      insertHelper(v, n->getLeft());
  } else {
    if (n->getRight() == NULL) {
      n->setRight(new BSTNode(v)); // insert to the right of a leaf node
    } else {
      insertHelper(v, n->getRight());

void BSTree::printInOrderHelper(BSTNode* n) {
  if (n != NULL) {
    cout << n->getValue() << " ";
|- print(4)
|  |- print(NULL)
|  |- cout << 4
|  |- print(6)
|     |- print(NULL)
|     |- cout << 6
|     |- print(NULL)
|- cout << 8
|- print(10)
   |- print(NULL)
   |- cout << 10
   |- print(NULL)
void BSTree::printInOrder() {
  return printInOrderHelper(root);

We may print the BST in different orders

void BSTree::printPreOrderHelper(BSTNode* n) {
  if (n != NULL) {
    cout << n->getValue() << " ";
| 8 | 4 | 6 | 10 |

prints node first, then left, then right subtree

void BSTree::printPostOrderHelper(BSTNode* n) {
  if (n != NULL) {
    cout << n->getValue() << " ";
| 6 | 4 | 10 | 8 |

prints left subtree first, then right, then node

Homework: Implement minValueNode and maxValueNode.

BSTNode* BSTree::minValueNode(BSTNode* n) {
  return minValueNodeHelper(n->getLeft());
Pacha’s note

Here is the implementation of minValueNodeHelper:

BSTNode* BSTree::minValueNodeHelper(BSTNode* n) {
  // n != NULL in case the root is NULL
  if (n != NULL && n->getLeft() !== NULL) {
    return minValueNodeHelper(n->getLeft());
  } else {
    return n;
BSTNode* BSTree::maxValueNode(BSTNode* n) {
  return maxValueNodeHelper(n->getRight());

BSTNode* BSTree::maxValueNodeHelper(BSTNode* n) {
  if (n != NULL && n->getRight() !== NULL) {
    return maxValueNodeHelper(n->getRight());
  } else {
    return n;