Lecture 19 - Oct 19, 2023


In this lecture, we discuss queues, and start discussing ordered linked lists.

Last lecture



Queues and general linked lists.

Recap on queues

Two operations: enqueue and dequeue.

Putting a node or removing a node happens with FIFO (first-in-first-out).

dequeue(): Removes the node that was first put in a list.

enqueue(): Puts a node at the end of the list.

Class implementation of a Queue

class Queue {
    Node* head;

    // point to end of the queue to facilitate dequeue of nodes
    Node* tail;

    Queue() {
      head = NULL;
      tail = NULL;

    ~Queue() {
      // enough to free up all nodes in linked list
      delete head;

    void enqueue(int d) {
      Node* p = new Node(d, NULL);
      if (head == NULL) {
        head = p;

    int dequeue() {
      if (head == NULL) {
        return -1;

      Node* p = head;
      head = p->getNext();
      int d = p->getData();
      p->setNext(NULL); // very important
      delete p;
      return d;

Queue q;

// output 123
cout << q.dequeue() << q.dequeue() << endl;

Recall the diagram from lecture 18.


Ordered linked lists

Four basic operations

  • Insert in sorted order
  • Search
  • Delete
  • Copy

In List.h:

#include "Node.h"

class List {
    Node* head;
    List() { head = NULL; }
    ~List() { delete head; }
    void insertData(int d);
    bool dataExists(int d);
    bool deleteData(int d);
    List(const List&); // copy constructor
    List& operator=(const List&);

Search linked list

bool dataExists(int d) {
  Node* p = head;
  // the 2nd condition is because, otherwise, d won't be after that if
  // linked list is sorted
  while(p != NULL && p->getData() != d) {
    if(p->getData() == d) {
      return true;
    } else {
      p = p->getNext();

  return false;

Insert into list (general case)


Search for the first node with data greater than the data we want to insert.

Insert the new data before that node.

// d = 3
bool List::insertData(int d) {
  Node* n = new Node(d);
  Node* p = head, *prev = NULL;

  // list is empty
  if (p == NULL) {
    head = n;

  while(p != NULL && p->getData() < d) {
    prev = p;
    p = p->getNext();

  // either p->getData() > c or p == NULL
  n->setNext(p); // case 1

  if (prev == NULL) {
    head = n; // case 2
  } else {
    prev->setNext(n); // case 3

Cases 1, 2, 3 are shown in the diagram below.


Special cases:

  • If list is empty.
  • If list has one node.
  • If we insert at head.
  • If we insert at tail.

Next lecture: delete data, “copy” constructor, operator=.