Lecture 29 - Nov 17, 2023


Inheritance continuation


What of I want to call a different Person constructor when I create a Student object?

class Student : public Person {
  int ID;

  Student() { ID = 0; }
  // or
  Student() : Person(), ID(0) { }

  // initializer's list after the :
  Student(string n, int a, int d) : Person(n,a) {
    ID = d;

int main() {
  Student s("Armaan", 20, 354);
  // 1. Person(n,a)
  // 2. Student(n,a,d)

We have data (private data members) that is inaccesible from the base class.

There is a way to inherit data members and make all of it accessible in the derived class, but mainstain privacy to this data in other classes.

class Person {
    // inherited and accessible
    int age;
    string name;

class Student : public Person {
    int ID;

    Student(string n, int a, int d) {
      Person::name = n;
      Person::age = a;
      ID = d;

Student s("Armaan", 20, 354);

// s.name will not work
// name is a protected member of Person
// it can't be accessed outside of Person and Student

::: {.callout-note icon=false} ## Example

Multiple inheritances: Insert wheel image with wheel circle radius.

class Circle {
    int radius;

    void print() { cout << "Circle" << radius << endl; }

class Wheel : public Circle {
  // inherits radius and print

    int radius; // another variable with identical name to inherited radius

    Wheel(int rw) {
      radius = rw;

    Wheel(int rc, int rw) : Circle(rc) { 
      radius = rw;

    void print() {
      // radius of circle
      // radius of wheel
      cout << "Wheel" << radius << endl;

class Tire : public Wheel {
  // inherits radius of wheel, radius of circle, and print of wheel
    int radius;

    Tire(int rc, int rw, int rt) : Wheel(rc, rw) { 
      radius = rt;

    Tire(int rc, int rw, int rt) : Wheel(rw), Circle(rc) {
      radius = rt;

    void print() {
      cout << "Tire" << radius << endl;

    void set(int rc, int rw, int rt) {
      Circle::radius = rc;
      Wheel::radius = rw;
      radius = rt;

int main() {
  Tire t; // 1. Default constructor of Circle
          // 2. Default constructor of Wheel
          // 3. Default constructor of Tire is called
          //    It's provided by the compiler

  t.set(3,4,6); // circle = 3, wheel = 4, tire = 6

Class hierarchy


class Person {
  // ...

class Student : public Person {
  // ...

class Employee : public Person {
  // ...

class Grad : public Student {
  // ...

class TA : public Grad, public Employee {
  // ...

Pointers to dynamic memory in a derived class

We do not inherit

  1. Constructors
  2. Copy constructors
  3. Operator equal
  4. Destructors

1: Specify. 2-4: We have to create our own if we need to.