Lecture 15 - Oct 10, 2023


In this lecture, we continue our discussion on operator overloading. We also discuss when we need friend functions.

Last lecture

Dynamic memory allocation and operator overloading.


operator= and operator<<.

Operator overloading

Recall operator+: x + y <=> x.operator+(y).

class Complex {
    double real;
    double img;
    Complex() { real = 0.0; img = 0.0; }
    Complex(double r, double i) { real = r; img = i; }

    // pass by reference to avoid copying
    // memory efficient
    Complex operator+(const Complex& c) const {
      return Complex(real + c.real, img + c.img);

Passing by value will create a copy of rhs.

This is memory inefficient if the object has many data members.

Pass by reference will not create a copy, so it is memory efficient.

Good practice for safety

Pass the object as a const object

Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& rhs) {
  rhs.real = 0; // compile-time error!
  return Complex(real + rhs.real, img + rhs.img);
Pacha’s note

Inside the function, the line rhs.real = 0; attempts to modify the real member of rhs. Because rhs is a constant reference, it cannot be modified. This is why the comment indicates a compile-time error. The compiler will not allow this code to compile because it violates the const-correctness rule.

Operator plus does not change members of the object

Use const modifier to prevent changes to members of the object.

Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& rhs) const {
  real = 0; // compile-time error!
  return Complex(real + rhs.real, img + rhs.img);

int main() {
  Complex x(3,5), y(4,6), z;
  z = x + y; // now we have operator=

Overloading operator equal

By default, operator= is there. It sets all the data members in the object to the data members of the right hand side object.

How does the default assignment operator= look like?

z = x (left hand side = right hand side) is equivalent to z.operator=(x).

How to allow chain assignments?

y = (z = x) should return object z.

This is a keyword and a pointer pointing to the object on which the function was invoked (i.e., z in z = x).

// Return by reference: Complex&, which is the object itself
Complex& Complex::operator=(const Complex& rhs) {
  real = rhs.real;
  img = rhs.img;
  return *this; // returns object z
Pacha’s note

this is a pointer to the object on which the function was invoked. In this case, it is a pointer to z. *this is the object itself.

Overloading operator insertion

Complex z(3,4);

// with standard operator <<
// RHS: Complex
// LHS: ostream (not Complex)
cout << z;

cout is an object of ostream class.

operator<< cannot be a member function of complex, since LHS is of type ostream.

operator<< cannot be a non-member function as it has to access private members of Complex.

Solution: operator<< can be a friend function.

A friend function can access private members of an object, and LHS can be a non-complex type.

class Complex {

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Complex& x);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Complex& x) {
  os << "(" << x.real << "," << x.img << ")";
  return os;

Remember that operator<< is not a member, so there is no need for Complex::.

int main() {
  Complex z(3,4);
  cout << "z = "<< z << endl;


cout is returned to allow chained cout.

cout (and all other streams) cannot be passed or returned by value. Only by reference, as their copy constructor is deleted.


Implement operator==.

class Complex {

    bool operator==(const Complex& rhs) const {
      return (real == rhs.real) && (img == rhs.img);