Lecture 24 - Oct 23, 2023


In this lecture, we discuss backtracking in recursion through solving a maze.

Last lecture





We have 2D array called Maze, which has the map of the maze, as in the next diagram.


Blank spaces means there is a path.

Coloured spaces means there is a wall.

We want to leave a trail of * showing a path from “Duck” to “E”.

Idea. If maze[i][j] is a valid step to E, then one of maze[i+1][j], maze[i-1][j], maze[i][j+1], or maze[i][j-1] is also a step to E.

  1. We starrt with the location of “Duck”: maze[i][j].
  2. Is 0 <= i <= 4 and 0 <= j <= 4?
  3. If yes, check if maze[i+1][j] is a valid step to E.
  4. Or if maze[i-1][j] is a valid step to E.
  5. Or if maze[i][j+1] is a valid step to E.
  6. Or if maze[i][j-1] is a valid step to E.
  7. If yes, maze[i][j] == '*'.
  8. If no, nothing changes.
bool solveMaze(int row, int col) {
  // return false if maze[row][col] is not a valid step to E
  // true otherwise

  if (row < 0 || row >= height) || col < 0 || col >= width) {
    // outside bounds of array
    return false;

  if (maze[row][col] == "E") {
    // reached exit
    return true;

  if (maze[row][col] != "") {
    // reached a wall or path again '*'
    return false;

  maze[row][col] = "*";

  if (solveMaze(row + 1, col)) {
    return true;

  if (solveMaze(row - 1, col)) {
    return true;

  if (solveMaze(row, col + 1)) {
    return true;

  if (solveMaze(row, col - 1)) {
    return true;

  // if we get here then none of the 4 directions was a valid step to "E"

  maze[row][col] = "";
  return false;

Consider the next diagram.


The code to solve the maze is:

solveMaze(0, 0);
 |- maze[0][0] = "*"
 |- solveMaze(1, 0)
     |- maze[1][0] = "*"
     |- solveMaze(2,0)
     |   |- return false: wall
     |- solveMaze(0, 0)
     |   |- return false: cycle
     |- solveMaze(1, 1)
         |- maze[1][1] = "*"
         |- solveMaze(2, 1)
             |- maze[2][1] = "*"
             |- solveMaze(3, 1)
                 |- maze[3][1] = "*"
                 |- solveMaze(4,1)
                 |   |- maze[4][1] = "*"
                 |   |- return false: outside bounds
                 |- solveMaze(2, 1)
                 |   |- return false: cycle
                 |- solveMaze(3, 2)
                 |   |- maze[3][2] = "*"
                 |   |- solveMaze(4, 2)
                 |   |   |- return false: outside bounds
                 |   |- solveMaze(3, 3)
                 |   |   |- maze[3][3] = "*"
                 |   |   |- solveMaze(4, 3)
                 |   |   |   |- return false: outside bounds
                 |   |   |- solveMaze(2, 3)
                 |   |   |   |- return false: wall
                 |   |   |- solveMaze(3, 4)
                 |   |   |   |- return false: outside bounds
                 |   |   |- solveMaze(3, 2)
                 |   |   |   |- return false: wall
                 |   |   |- maze[3][3] = ""
                 |   |   |- return false
                 |   |- solveMaze(3,1)
                 |   |   |- return false: cycle
                 |   |- maze[3][2] = ""
                 |   |- return false
                 |- solveMaze(3, 0)
                     |- maze[3][0] = "*"
                     |- return true

At any point in time, the number of “*” was the depth of recursion!