This exercise is to reproduce regression results Feenstra (1988a). To complete the exercise, the files “car_7990.dta, truck_7990.dta” should be stored in Chapter-8.
Data Description for Feenstra (1988a):
car.dta: This STATA file contains car’s various characteristics, such as weight (wght), width (wdth), height (hght), horse power (hs), four-wheel (four), transmission (tran), power steering (ps) and air condition (ac) for 1979-1990. It also includes each model’s sales (quan) and price.
truck.dta: This STATA file contains truck’s various characteristics, such as weight (wght), width (wdth), height (hght), horse power (hs), four-wheel (four), transmission (tran), power steering (ps) and air condition (ac) for 1979-1990. It also includes each model’s sale (quan) and price, though sales are missing after 1985.
Exercise 1
Run the programs,, to reproduce the price indexes and unit-values for cars and trucks in Table 8.3. What formula is used for the price indexes, and how does this differ from the unit-values?
# A tibble: 12 × 2
year uvalue
<dbl> <dbl>
1 79 4794.
2 80 4937.
3 81 6314.
4 82 6426.
5 83 6134.
6 84 6247.
7 85 6250.
8 86 NaN
9 87 NaN
10 88 NaN
11 89 NaN
12 90 NaN
Exercise 2
Run the program to reproduce the column (1) in Table 8.4, and the program to reproduce column (2). What weights are being used in the regression, and how does this affect the results?
Pooling car and truck data, run to reproduce columns (3) and (4) in Table 8.4 with the constraints specified in equation (8.22). How are these constraints built into the program for the nonlinear regression?
Run the programs,, to reproduce the quality indexes and unit-qualities for cars and trucks in Table 8.3. What formula is used for the quality of each model and the quality indexes, and how does this differ from the unit-quality?
Pooling car and truck data, run and to reproduce columns (1) – (4) in Table 8.5, with constraints specified in equation (8.22).
Feenstra’s code
I think there is a typo in the original code, in specific in the lines: