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Extract text from an image. Requires that you have training data for the language you are reading. Works best for images with high contrast, little noise and horizontal text. See tesseract wiki and our package vignette for image preprocessing tips.


ocr(image, engine = tesseract("eng"), HOCR = FALSE)

ocr_data(image, engine = tesseract("eng"))



file path, url, or raw vector to image (png, tiff, jpeg, etc)


a tesseract engine created with tesseract(). Alternatively a language string which will be passed to tesseract().


if TRUE return results as HOCR xml instead of plain text


character vector of text extracted from the image


The ocr() function returns plain text by default, or hOCR text if hOCR is set to TRUE. The ocr_data() function returns a data frame with a confidence rate and bounding box for each word in the text.

See also

Other tesseract: tesseract(), tesseract_download()


# Simple example
file <- system.file("examples", "testocr.png", package = "cpp11tesseract")
text <- ocr(file)
#> This is a lot of 12 point text to test the
#> ocr code and see if it works on all types
#> of file format.
#> The quick brown dog jumped over the
#> lazy fox. The quick brown dog jumped
#> over the lazy fox. The quick brown dog
#> jumped over the lazy fox. The quick
#> brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.