A naive simplex phase 2 implementation with C++ 11 and R

Combining for and while loops to print the tableau until finding an optimal solution.

Mauricio “Pachá” Vargas S.


July 18, 2023

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I am in the process of learning C++, so I created the Cpp11 + R examples repository.

Without covering the details of the simplex algorithm, I will focus on the implementation of the algorithm in C++ 11 and R.

Final code

You can find it here. In the rest of the post I explain the logic behind the code and how to build and test it.

Simplex (phase 2) algorithm

The simplex algorithm is well described in Introduction to Linear Optimization and there is efficient software to solve this. The goal here is to show how to print the intermediate steps of the algorithm, so that it can be used to practice the simplex algorithm for undergraduate students.

Here I present the recipe and and example in the next section.

A problem written in canonical form is represented by a table such as:


where c1,,cn are the coefficients of the objective function (i.e., costs), a11,,amn are the coefficients of the constraints, and b1,,bm are the right-hand side of the constraints.

The simplex algorithm to solve the problem consists in the next steps:

  1. If cj0 for all j, then the current solution is optimal. Basic variables are equal to bi and non-basic variables are equal to 0.
  2. If cj<0 for some j, we choose it to enter the base. We chose the variable with the most negative cj, let’s say that it is j=s.
  3. If ais0 for all i, then the problem is unbounded.
  4. If ais>0 for some i, we choose i=r such that brars=min(biais,ais0) and pivot on ars, to then go back to step 1.

The coefficients are updated according to:

  1. aijaijaisarjars for js
  2. arjarjars
  3. bibiaisbrars for ir
  4. brbrars
  5. cjcjcsarjars
  6. zzcsbrars

This algorithm is equivalent to Gauss method to solve linear systems.

Simplex example

Let’s say we want to solve the following linear programming problem:

minx13x2subject tox1+x233x1+x22x1,x20

We need to re-write the problem in canonical form:

minx13x2+0x3+0x4subject tox1+x2+x3=33x1+x2+x4=2x1,x2,x3,x40

The initial tableau for this problem is:


The first row is the cost row, the last column is the right-hand side, and the rest is the matrix A.

We pivot on row 2, column 2:


Then, we pivot on row 2, column 1:


Here we reached a stopping criterion: the minimum cost is non-negative, so we have found an optimal solution, which is x=(14,114,0,0) and the optimal value is z=172.

C++ 11

We will use the following C++ 11 code to implement the simplex algorithm. The code consists in writing the correct steps for the first pivot and then using a while loop to repeat the steps until the minimum cost is non-negative.

// doubles and matrix to do the math
// iostream to print the results

#include <cpp11/doubles.hpp>
#include <cpp11/matrix.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace cpp11;
using namespace std;

// this function has no output
// i.e., it won't send a matrix or vector back to R
// instead, it will print the results to the console

[[cpp11::register]] void cpp11_simplex_phase2_(doubles c, doubles b, doubles_matrix<> A) {
    // Naive implementation of the simplex algorithm (phase 2)

    // Check dimensions
    int m = A.nrow();
    int n = A.ncol();

    if (m != b.size())
        stop("incompatible dimensions between A and b");

    if (n != c.size())
        stop("incompatible dimensions between A and c");

    // Create the tableau
    writable::doubles_matrix<> T(m + 1, n + m + 1);

    // b2 = [0, b]
    writable::doubles b2(m + 1);

    // fill b2_i+1 with b_i
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        b2[i] = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        b2[i + 1] += b[i];

    // Fill the tableau with the data
    // fill with 0s
    // we don't really need this but I don't like to see 1.0e-400 in the output
    for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
            T(i, j) = 0.0;

    // put b2 in the last column of T
    // notice the 0-indexing here!!!
    for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
        T(i, n + m) += b2[i];

    // put c in the first row of T
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        T(0, j) += c[j];

    // put A in the lower-left corner of T
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) 
            T(i + 1, j) += A(i, j);

    // fill the diagonal of non-basic variables with 1s (for the identity matrix)
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        T(i + 1, n + i) += 1.0;

    // Print the tableau
    cout << "Initial tableau:" << endl;
    // this won't work
    // it prints a funky 0x556da90020e8 or similar
    // cout << T << endl;

    // this will work
    // it prints the matrix in a nice format
    for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
            // cout << T(i, j) << " ";
            // if positive, print a space before or it will look misaligned
            if (T(i, j) >= 0.0)
                cout << " ";
            cout << T(i, j) << " ";
        cout << endl;


    // Cost criteria
    // start with the first element in the first row (arbitrary)
    double min_c_j = T(0, 0);

    // replace min_c_j with the smallest number in the first row
    for (int j = 0; j < n + m; j++)
        if (T(0, j) < min_c_j)
            min_c_j = T(0, j);

    // Print the minimum cost
    cout << "Minimum cost: " << min_c_j << endl;

    // Find the pivot column = Find the most negative entry in the first row
    int pivot_col = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < n + m; j++)
        if (T(0, j) < T(0, pivot_col))
            pivot_col = j;

    // Find the pivow row = Find the row with the smallest positive ratio
    // again, 0-indexing
    int pivot_row = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < m + 1; i++)
        if (T(i, n + m) / T(i, pivot_col) < T(pivot_row, n + m) / T(pivot_row, pivot_col))
            // here we need a 2nd if as this can take a_rs < 0 for the pivot
            // pivot_row = i;

            // if the ratio is positive, then we can use it
            if (T(i, n + m) / T(i, pivot_col) > 0) {
                pivot_row = i;

    // Print the pivot row and column
    cout << "Pivot row: " << pivot_row << endl;
    cout << "Pivot column: " << pivot_col + 1 << endl;

    // Get the pivot element
    double pivot = T(pivot_row, pivot_col);

    // Divide the pivot row by the pivot element
    for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
        T(pivot_row, j) /= pivot;

    // Subtract multiples of the pivot row from each row to make all other entries in the pivot column zero
    for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
        if (i != pivot_row)
            double ratio = T(i, pivot_col);
            for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
                T(i, j) -= ratio * T(pivot_row, j);

    // Print the new tableau
    cout << "====\nNew tableau:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
            if (T(i, j) >= 0.0)
                cout << " ";
            cout << T(i, j) << " ";
        cout << endl;

    // Cost criteria

    // start with the first element in the first row (arbitrary)
    min_c_j = T(0, 0);

    // replace min_c_j with the smallest number in the first row
    for (int j = 0; j < n + m; j++)
        if (T(0, j) < min_c_j)
            min_c_j = T(0, j);

    // Print success message and stop if the minimum cost is non-negative
    if (min_c_j >= 0)
        cout << "Optimal solution found in 1 step!" << endl;        

    // Print the minimum cost
    cout << "Minimum cost: " << min_c_j << endl;

    // STEP 2, 3, ... OF THE SIMPLEX
    // Repeat until the first row contains no negative numbers

    // add a counter to keep track of the number of iterations
    // we previously completed 1 iteration
    int iter_count = 1;

    // the computational complexity of this algorithm is O(mn^2)
    // so we can use the dimensions of the tableau to set an upper bound on the number of iterations
    double iter_bound = m * n * n;

    while (min_c_j < 0)
        if (iter_count > iter_bound)
            stop("too many iterations");

        // Find the pivot column = Find the most negative entry in the first row
        pivot_col = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < n + m; j++)
            if (T(0, j) < T(0, pivot_col))
                pivot_col = j;

        // Find the pivow row = Find the row with the smallest positive ratio
        pivot_row = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < m + 1; i++)
            if (T(i, n + m) / T(i, pivot_col) < T(pivot_row, n + m) / T(pivot_row, pivot_col))
                if (T(i, n + m) / T(i, pivot_col) > 0) {
                    pivot_row = i;

        // Print the pivot row and column
        cout << "Pivot row: " << pivot_row << endl;
        cout << "Pivot column: " << pivot_col + 1 << endl;

        // Get the pivot element
        pivot = T(pivot_row, pivot_col);

        // Divide the pivot row by the pivot element
        for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
            T(pivot_row, j) /= pivot;

        // Subtract multiples of the pivot row from each row to make all other entries in the pivot column zero
        for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
            if (i != pivot_row)
                double ratio = T(i, pivot_col);
                for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
                    T(i, j) -= ratio * T(pivot_row, j);

        // Print the new tableau
        cout << "====\nNew tableau:" << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n + m + 1; j++)
                if (T(i, j) >= 0.0)
                    cout << " ";
                cout << T(i, j) << " ";
            cout << endl;
        // Cost criteria
        // start with the first element in the first row (arbitrary)
        min_c_j = T(0, 0);

        // replace min_c_j with the smallest number in the first row
        for (int j = 0; j < n + m; j++)
            if (T(0, j) < min_c_j)
                min_c_j = T(0, j);

        // Print the minimum cost
        cout << "Minimum cost: " << min_c_j << endl;

        // Increment the counter

        // Print success message and stop if the minimum cost is non-negative
        if (min_c_j >= 0)
            cout << "Optimal solution found in " << iter_count << " steps !" << endl;


We will use the following R code to call the C++ 11 function and print the results.

## usethis namespace: start
#' @useDynLib cpp11simplexphase2, .registration = TRUE
## usethis namespace: end

#' Print the table of the simplex algorithm
#' @param c vector of coefficients of the objective function
#' @param b vector of the right hand side of the constraints
#' @param A matrix of the coefficients of the constraints
#' @export
cpp11_simplex_phase2 <- function(c, b, A) {
  cpp11_simplex_phase2_(c, b, A)

Build and test

We can test with the previous example and the following R code:

# build


# test

c <- c(-1, -3)
b <- c(3, 2)

A <- matrix(
    c(1, -3, 1, 1),
    nrow = 2,
    ncol = 2,
    byrow = FALSE

cpp11_simplex_phase2(c, b, A)

The output shows the correct solution:

Initial tableau:
-1 -3  0  0  0 
 1  1  1  0  3 
-3  1  0  1  2 
Minimum cost: -3
Pivot row: 2
Pivot column: 2
New tableau:
-10  0  0  3  6 
 4  0  1 -1  1 
-3  1  0  1  2 
Minimum cost: -10
Pivot row: 1
Pivot column: 1
New tableau:
 0  0  2.5  0.5  8.5 
 1  0  0.25 -0.25  0.25 
 0  1  0.75  0.25  2.75 
Minimum cost: 0
Optimal solution found in 2 steps !