Este mapa es calculado a partir del mapa comunal para no recargar el volumen de datos del paquete.

generar_regiones(mapa = chilemapas::mapa_comunas)



mapa a agregar, por defecto es todo el mapa nacional


Un objeto de clase sf y data.frame.


#> Simple feature collection with 16 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -109.4499 ymin: -56.52511 xmax: -66.41617 ymax: -17.49778
#> Geodetic CRS:  SIRGAS 2000
#> # A tibble: 16 × 2
#>    codigo_region                                                        geometry
#>  * <chr>                                                      <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>
#>  1 01            (((-68.86081 -21.28512, -68.92172 -21.30035, -68.98939 -21.317…
#>  2 02            (((-68.98863 -25.38016, -68.98731 -25.38411, -68.98696 -25.393…
#>  3 03            (((-70.68641 -26.15053, -70.68303 -26.15132, -70.67828 -26.156…
#>  4 04            (((-71.66962 -30.34526, -71.6706 -30.33935, -71.66564 -30.3346…
#>  5 05            (((-71.67929 -33.44583, -71.68715 -33.44307, -71.68861 -33.439…
#>  6 06            (((-71.1344 -34.78711, -71.13804 -34.79018, -71.14339 -34.7894…
#>  7 07            (((-72.1032 -36.12348, -72.10308 -36.13219, -72.10417 -36.1351…
#>  8 08            (((-71.41259 -38.10669, -71.41337 -38.11455, -71.41082 -38.119…
#>  9 09            (((-73.35579 -38.73982, -73.35826 -38.72623, -73.35697 -38.722…
#> 10 10            (((-73.6175 -41.8142, -73.62305 -41.81394, -73.62225 -41.80844…
#> 11 11            (((-74.34857 -45.02053, -74.33143 -45.02757, -74.33517 -45.031…
#> 12 12            (((-71.18405 -52.8089, -71.18946 -52.81092, -71.20145 -52.8123…
#> 13 13            (((-70.47405 -33.8624, -70.47653 -33.86032, -70.48471 -33.8610…
#> 14 14            (((-71.65597 -40.35386, -71.65704 -40.36363, -71.68299 -40.370…
#> 15 15            (((-70.35079 -18.8362, -70.34977 -18.83428, -70.35102 -18.8235…
#> 16 16            (((-72.38553 -36.91169, -72.38952 -36.91619, -72.3988 -36.9173…