An introductory workshop in Shiny, June 1st from 17.30 to 18.30 (FREE)

Personalised training to learn R and Shiny.

Mauricio “Pachá” Vargas S.


May 23, 2023

R and Shiny Training: If you find this blog to be interesting, please note that I offer personalized and group-based training sessions that may be reserved through Buy me a Coffee. Additionally, I provide training services in the Spanish language and am available to discuss means by which I may contribute to your Shiny project.

This workshop aims to introduce people with basic R knowledge to develop interactive web applications with the Shiny framework.

The course consists of a one-hour session, where we will demonstrate basic UI, reactive UI, CSS personalization and dashboard creation. Questions are super welcome!

Previous knowledge required: Basic R (examples: reading a CSV file, transforming columns and making graphs using ggplot2).

The course will be delivered online using Zoom on June 1st from 17.30 to 18.30. Check the timezone. For this workshop, it is New York Time (

Finally, here’s a short demo of a part of what this workshop covers

If you consider this workshop useful, you can buy me a coffee at

You can get a ticket at