Advanced International Trade in R


I tried to replicate Feenstra’s results in R, because I had to learn a bit of Stata for the course ECO3300 (International Trade) taught at the University of Toronto. To organize my notes, I used Quarto to present my R outputs in a decently formatted HTML file.

I have a printed copy of the first edition, so I am using the data and codes from the first edition.

The goal of these solutions is to provide a reference for those who come from Stata and want to learn R. I prioritized readability and simplicity over performance and elegance. There were parts of the code were it was challenging to stick to a literal code translation, and I had to use R idioms to make the code more readable.

There are tasks that are hard to write in Stata, but easy in R, and vice versa. As the exercises progress, I intentionally used more R idioms to make the code less repetitive and using R idioms, while keeping the code as readable as possible.

These notes have a public GitHub repository. The repository has a detailed track of changes, but not all the codes outside the Quarto documents therein are required as of June, 2024.

When I started this project (Sept, 2023), the links from Prof. Feenstra’s website were broken, so I went to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to find the linked site (The Center for International Data) from 2005-03-08 and I downloaded it with wget (i.e., I ran bash from the repository). This is not needed anymore because:

  1. I added the data files to the repository.
  2. Prof. Feenstra’s website is now working, and he was really kind to fix the links when I asked him for permission to use the data and codes that I recovered.

All the datasets and Stata codes are intellectual property of Dr. Robert C. Feenstra. The R codes are of my authorship, but these are a translation of the Stata codes, so I released them under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal.

I appreciate the feedback that I received from Prof. Feenstra and Prof. Mingzhi “Jimmy” Xu.

Please do not hesistate to email me if this is useful, or if you have any questions or suggestions. My email is